Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace


As conflict is natural to organisations, the workplace is not always an easy place. To a certain extent conflict indicates a healthy exchange of ideas and creativity. However, counter-productive conflict can result in employee dissatisfaction, reduced productivity, poor interpersonal relations, absenteeism and increased work-related stress. This practical, interactive workshop coaches conflict management skills to build value-based workplace relationships. It focuses on key learning points such as causes of conflict, conflict-handling styles to successfully resolve disagreements, transactional analysis, impact of conflict on the work environment and workplace structures to facilitate conflict resolution.

To optimise performance and enhance relationships every employee must be able to effectively resolve issues, settle differences and implement solutions to develop personal effectiveness.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the nature of conflict how it impacts on work behaviour and the conflict process
  • Create an awareness and understanding of conflict resolution styles, modes or techniques to resolve conflict successfully
  • Be able to plan and apply conflict strategies to manage conflict
  • Understand the behavioural attributes, skills and competencies to effectively manage conflict in the workplace

Target Group
Anyone who wishes to improve conflict handling and workplace relations

Learning Delivery Method
Stand-alone classroom-based accredited course

Unit Standard Alignment
SAQA ID:         114226                        NQF Level: 5                            Credits: 8
US Title:           Interpret and manage conflicts within the workplace


2 Days